Zakelijk bestellen
Veilig Zakelijk bestellen op factuur?
Koop nu zonder risico en betaal binnen 30 dagen op factuur
Achteraf betalen zonder extra kosten of registratie - Billie & ZeroDrops.nl
In samenwerking met Billie bieden we nu zakelijk achteraf betalen op factuur.
Billie staat garant voor uw order en met een betaaltermijn van 30 dagen heb je voldoende tijd om de betaling te voldoen.
Hoe werkt afrekenen via Billie?
- Vul alle factuur en verzend gegevens in.
- Selecteer 'Billie: Koop nu, Betaal later.' als betaalmethode.
- Vul aanvullende gegevens in op de Billie betaalpagina.
- Automatische autorisatie op basis van AI
Na goedkeuring nemen wij de order in behandeling. Billie stuurt u de betaalinformatie en herinnert u wanneer het tijd is om te betalen.
Op basis van uw bedrijfsnaam, KVK nummer en gegevens uit het bestel proces voert Billie het autorisatie proces. Uw input, gegevens, kredietwaardigheid en de algehele fraude gevoeligheid worden binnen enkele seconden gecheckt door de kunstmatige intelligentie van Billie.
In slechts uitzonderlijke gevallen word de transactie afgekeurd kies dan een andere betaalmethode.
Is de betaaltermijn verstreken maar de order nog niet afgerond? Geen zorgen Billie staat garant, u kunt gemakkelijk een dispuut indienen.
Direct afrekenen?
Heeft u de mogelijkheid de order direct af te rekenen? Ook dat blijft een mogelijkheid. We bieden de meest bekende betaalmethode zoals IDEAl, PayPall, Credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay etc. Elk veilig om uw order zonder zorgen af te rekenen.
Wederverkoper of grootgebruiker?
Wellicht past de betaalmethode Billie niet bij uw organisatie. Neem contact met ons op om uw mogelijkheden en inkoopcondities te bespreken.
Mail ons op info@zerodrops.nl
EU VAT - Intracommunautaire levering - 0% VAT
Bent u gevestigd in de EU (Nederland Uitgezonderd) en beschikt u over een geldige BTW registratie? Dan kunt u gebruik maken van de regeling Intracommunautaire leveringen en betaald u geen BTW op uw order. Om gebruik te maken van deze regeling bieden wij twee opties:
Optie 1: Stuur uw bedrijfsgegevens inclusief een geldig BTW nummer naar info@zerodrops.nl. Wij verwerken uw vrijstelling en u kunt na verificatie belastingvrij winkelen.
Optie 2: Plaats een order en voeg uw BTW nummer toe in het opmerkingen veld.
U betaald de BTW, echter na verificatie storten wij de BTW binnen 2 werkdagen retour. U ontvangt een factuur met 0% btw conform de intracommunautaire regeling.
Is de verificatie geslaagd? Al uw toekomstige bestellingen op uw account zijn vrijgesteld van BTW.
Veelgestelde vragen - Zakelijk bestellen op factuur via Billie
How can I pay on account with Billie as a corporate customer?
How can I pay on account with Billie as a corporate customer?
Buy today and conveniently pay later within 30 days, allowing you to check the goods prior to paying. Here’s how “Buy Now Pay Later” works:
Step 1:
Add all the items you wish to purchase to your shopping cart and select “purchase on account” with Billie as your payment method at the checkout.
Step 2:
Enter the required information. After that, you will immediately know if your payment by invoice purchase has been accepted. No registration required.
Step 3:
Billie will send you the payment information via email and send a reminder when it's time to pay.
Once you complete your purchase, you'll also get access to your personal Billie Buyer Portal. Here you can view, download, manage your invoices and change your payment method.
Do I pay any fees when using Buy Now, Pay Later with Billie?
Do I pay any fees when using Buy Now, Pay Later with Billie?
Corporate customers can use payment by invoice free of charge. There are no fees for buyers when selecting "payment by invoice" with "Billie".
How can I pay my outstanding invoice through Billie?Collapsible row
How can I pay my outstanding invoice through Billie?Collapsible row
Once you complete your purchase, you’ll receive all your payment information, including account information for the bank transfer from Billie via email. Additionally, you’ll receive access to your personal Billie Buyer Portal where you can view all your Billie invoices and related payment information. You can also conveniently change the payment method from bank transfer to direct debit.
Where can I find my payment confirmation for payment by invoice via Billie?
Where can I find my payment confirmation for payment by invoice via Billie?
In your personal Billie Buyer Portal, you can view the status of your Billie invoices. You can see in the buyer portal as soon as you settle a payment. Please note that the processing of a transfer can take up to three working days. Only after your payment has been successfully issued will the status of the associated invoice be updated. If this process takes more than three business days, please contact Billiecustomer service.
You may receive a payment reminder if you make your transfer shortly before or after the due date. Once we have received the payment in our system, the payment reminder process will be automatically deactivated.
Why can't I use Billie invoice purchase?
Why can't I use Billie invoice purchase?
If corporate customers decide to pay by invoice with Billie, a check is made to see if the order can be accepted for the requested amount. Not only is this check based on general company identification information such as, address, company name, but primarily on payment history, invoice amount and, if applicable, external information from credit agencies. These factors determine whether pay by invoice can be approved. If pay by invoice with Billie is not accepted, then another payment method needs to be selected to complete the order.
For self-employed individuals or companies with the GbR legal form, the information is not always verifiable with credit agencies. In this case, enter your first and last name in the check-out window. This allows real-time verification via SCHUFA scoring and only then can you proceed to check-out via Billie.
How do I receive my invoice?
How do I receive my invoice?
The invoice is provided to you by Billie, after you completed your purchase and we have shipped your items.
It is sent to you by email, to the email address provided during the purchase, together with the payment instructions.
It is also available to download via Billie's Buyer Portal.
If you have any questions regarding your invoice, please contact Billie directly at:info@billie.io
Who is Billie?
Who is Billie?
Billie is the market leading provider of "Buy Now, Pay Later" (BNPL) payment methods, using real-time customer verification for B2B online stores. With BNPL, business customers can pay invoices after receiving their goods or services and have the freedom to choose how and when they want to pay.
Billie was founded in 2016 with a mission to modernize the B2B transaction system and provide the freedom to online stores and their business customers to pay and get paid on their own terms, with innovative digital payment services and modern checkout solutions.
For more information, visit billie.io.

Zakelijk aankopen makkelijk gemaakt
Eenvoudig afrekenen met Billie's achteraf betaalmethode. Geen aanmelding nodig. Betaaltermijn van 30 dagen.